by Jean Houston: When I was about two and a half years old, and my...
by Jonathan Philbin Bowman: One evening last week I wandered into Newman House, not really...
by Marianne Williamson: From extreme hurricanes to out of control fires to tragic evacuations to...
by Gangaji: Gangaji shares a simple invitation, to shift your allegiance from the activities of...
by Gabby Bernstein: One of the reasons I became a motivational speaker was to gather...
by Ram Dass: Many students, in their zeal to get to God, reject their incarnations…
...bu Jonathan Robinson: In 1994, I edited a book called, “The Experience of God” in...
When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and...
by Deepak Chopra: If you aspire to be successful as an entrepreneur, manager, business owner,...
by Caroline Myss: Many people have written asking me to provide a description of Spiritual...
Gary Zukav : The path to understanding the soul is through the heart, not the...
Jonathan Robinson: For new listeners, Awareness Explorers is dedicated to exploring ideas and methods for...
by Richard Moss MD: I wonder if many of you, like myself… Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are two kinds of mind. One is an open...
by Sharon Salzberg: Learn how to break some of the crazy momentum of your day...
by Gabby Bernstein: When I energetically tune in to the world right now, it feels...
by Mary O’Malley: “Spaciousness.” Just let what that word evokes in you fill your whole...
by Chameli Ardagh: I was recently contemplating the power of our community and what it...
by Deepak Chopra™, M.D.: Wanting to be yourself is a natural desire, but also a...
by Deepak Chopra, M.D: At the level of consciousness or spirit, we are all inextricably...
by Donna Quesada: I confess that I have had the thought that presence is boring…...
Excerpted from Chapter 24 of Inner Peace for Busy People Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. Like most...