Articles for: Featured

Caroline Myss: Creative Expression: Many people take the very limited view that creativity refers only...

by Tara Brach: As living organisms anxious about our existence, we’re all naturally rigged to...

by Arjuna Ardagh: We just completed a one-week Radical Brilliance Laboratory near Freiburg in Germany…


by Rupert Spira: A woman says that although she has tasted her true nature, she...

by Karen Maezen Miller: Like the student in this famous koan, we constantly face the...

In this series Ken Wilber explores some of humanity’s most profound and perennial questions: Is...

Excellence Reporter: Leonard, what is the meaning of life?


In case you missed it back in 2012, here is the rare and beautiful interview...

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle believes that the key to living a happier life is consciously...

by Kathryn Budig: I’ve admired your work as a life coach and symbol of inspiration...

While we can’t replace the expertise of mindfulness teachers, we can all find respectful ways...

by Neale Donald Walsch: Might this be a fine stretch of eternity during which to...

by Jamie Friedlander: Tony Robbins is a busy guy…


by Karen Maezen Miller: Twenty years ago, I quit a job that had me calculating...

by Rory B Mackay: So, what is enlightenment?


by Ram Dass: I view spiritual practice as the freeing of awareness from identification with...

by Ken Wilber: The big question series – question 2…


by Caroline Myss: I often ask people in my audience, “What brought you to this...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Our body is bound by discipline, it is bound by...

by Ken Wilber: Ken explains why an all-knowing, all powerful God would ever want to...

by Sharon Salzberg: Sharon Salzberg explains the ins and outs of a core technique—meditating on...

by Ram Dass: Every time your mind wanders, use your breath to bring your focus...

by Ram Dass: Question: I’d like to know about forgiveness as a bridge between the...

by Arjuna Ardagh: This is an excerpt from my book Leap Before You Look…
