Articles for: Featured

Zazen and Dharma Talk with Bob Thurman and Roshi Joan Halifax…


by Bernie Siegel, M.D: There have been many dreams which have been personal guides for...

by Roshi Joan Halifax: The Large Sutra on Realizing Wisdom Beyond Wisdom marks a vital...

by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel, MD: Excerpt from the book The Art of Healing. ©...

So many of us struggle with how to let go, but letting go is actually...

by Ram Dass: At any moment, you are consciousness involved in a nature package…


by Arjuna Ardagh: In a few weeks, my new book Radical Brilliance will be published...

by Gary Zukav: Nothing requires more courage than spiritual growth.


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Blogger Arthur Rosenfield was in the drive-thru line at Starbucks....

by Donna Quesada: I have written before about the inspirational message that has helped me...

by Mary O’Malley: Life has a way of pushing us past our comfort zones, and...

by Arjuna Ardagh: Through practice, you learn to move beyond your genetics and your conditioning,...

by Greg Calise: Enlightenment is a destructive process…


Adyashanti: Enlightenment has more to do with embracing reality than escaping from it.


by Jack Kornfield: The near enemy of love is attachment…


by Cyrena Lee: It’s an early Friday evening, and anticipation of a night out to...

Esther Hicks: What you want, you can get simply by attracting it – this is...

by Mary O’Malley: The willingness to meet whatever is showing up in our lives takes...

By Luminita Saviuc: “Study me as much as you like, you will not know me,...

Question to Leonard Jacobson: Do we create our own future?


by Dr Wayne Dyer: In honor of his memory, Wayne’s Hay House family will continue...

by Ram Dass: Question:The problem seems to be that when you are in a relationship,


Gina Murdock: I’ve had a chance to experience “The Work,” and I am amazed at...

by Sandra Ingerman: Imagine…“Imagine. Before you were born you were just a little spark of...