Articles for: Featured

by Ananda Giri: Some of the workshops at the Oneness Festival will be presented by...

by Ann Marie MacDougall, MBA, eMBA: The world is changing and those changes are accelerating...

Sadhguru defines consciousness and busts some common myths about a much misunderstood topic. Explaining that...

Sharon Salzberg shares this practice for strengthening your ability to concentrate so you can empower...

Byron Katie just wants you to be happy. She doesn’t know you, but she believes...

by Cortney McDermott: a conversation with five-time New York Times bestselling author Caroline Myss…


by Donna Quesada: Just an Intriguing Question—


by Sonia Choquette PhD: The fast and easy track to higher living.


by Arjuna Ardagh: For the last several months I have been coaching a brilliant young...

by Joshua Coleman: The painful feelings you avoid grow twisted in the dark. By facing...

by Gangaji: I can remember as a very young child recognizing, “I am,” and feeling...

by Eckhart Tolle: Discover the importance of forgiveness in the karmic wheel in this video...

by Adyashanti: There is no easy road to enlightenment…


by Arjuna Ardagh: A few days ago, I went out for dinner with an old...

by Tara Brach: In this excerpt from her new book, Trusting the Gold, Tara Brach...

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: You live in a universe that has limitless potential for...

by Tara Brach: When stressed, we often react with looping fear-thoughts, feelings and behaviors that...

by Anne Koller: Water gives us life and has been recognized for its therapeutic properties...

Many years ago before becoming a Buddhist monk in Thailand, I had the opportunity to...

by Azriel ReShel: How to put compassion into action…


Tony Robbins, the world’s premier success coach, headlines Business Mastery in Melbourne next month –...

by Caroline Myss: Hi Everyone.Who is not thinking of the Orlando massacre today? And what...

According to Pema Chödrön, love and compassion are like the weak spots in the walls...

“Riding on the wings of thought, I enter the world of time. Riding on the...