Articles for: Featured

by Hans Meijer: Why time does not exist…


by Peter Coyote: Eeek! Eeek! Eeek! the bird cried. It! It! It! And the world...

by Eckhart Tolle: You always start with the present moment. You start with where you...

by Ashley Brown: Animals of all kinds, especially the ones sharing our home, can be...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Every one of us, both directly and indirectly, affect each...

by Kristen Renee Kowart: What is waking up? How do I know if I am...

by Deepak Chopra, M.D.: Without taking a poll, it’s safe to say that people who...

by Marianne Williamson: Sometimes, it’s when all hope is seemingly lost that the greatest breakthroughs...

by Nanice Ellis: Did you know there is a direct correlation between spiritual awakening and...

Life seems to have a plan for us even before we know it. In fact,...

by Dalai Lama: Human beings are basically gentle by nature…


by Anne Bancroft: And, similarly, in the ten-stage journey of Chinese Zen, the final state...

In the July 2019 issue of Lion’s Roar…


What does it mean, to awaken? A short movie narrated by Alan Watts.


David Lynch drawing how Transcendental Meditation works, and how to vanish your negative thoughts and...

by Tammy LaDrew: Everyday I go on a walkabout…


by Marianne Williamson: I didn’t place in the top two in last week’s House of...

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: “If anything we are simply better armed fanatics salivating in anticipation...

by Niels Bohr: According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes...

The Cosmic Law of Attraction (LofA) is one the most know universal laws…


Mikao Usui was a renowned Tendai Buddhist and the founder of what we know today...

by Brugh Joy: “Unconditioned/Unconditional Love Transcends the Self and gives the Self the cohesiveness of...

by Jeff Roberts: Science and spirituality have split the public`s opinions on the matter of...

by Rajiv Agarwal: I dedicated 23 years of my life to find enlightenment. I explored...