by Erich Lawson: Food waste is a major problem staring at us today when billions...
Joan Borysenko, medical scientist, psychologist and educator, possesses an unforgettable warmth…
...B.K.S. Iyengar is connecting to his soul through his body and for every asana he...
by Estes Park of the Denver Post: When B.K.S. Iyengar strides into the vast room...
BKS Iyengar: In many forms of yoga, teachers give instruction in beginning breathing technique simultaneously...
The 94-year-old iconic yogacharya B K S IYENGAR walks down memory lane, going right back...
by B.K.S. Iyengar: Most people ask only from their body that it does not trouble...
Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Can you succeed in life and still not be fulfilled? Sara Schairer: “Be nice.”“Be kind.”“ Treat others how you wish to be treated…”
...Nature’s way is simple and easy, but men prefer what is intricate and artificial–Lao Tzu
...There’s some amazing things coming down the healthcare pipeline and Daniel Kraft ( @daniel_kraft )...
Could psychedelics help us heal from trauma and mental illnesses? Nadi Zaidi: Our mannerisms, which range from the way we sit, place our hands,...
by Alma Tassi: The venerable Lynne Twist has traversed the world speaking about finances, leadership,...
In this video Richard Bandler will be facing an audience eager to find out more...
Richard Bandler discusses Neuro Linguistic Programming.
...Donna Quesada: How do we upgrade the brain? You’ve mentioned the importance of upgrading our...
Today, when our human family is facing so many challenges, it is more important than...
by Don Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements + The 5TH.