Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Kate Horowitz: If the sound of a co-worker repeatedly clicking his pen can send...

by Danielle Hildreth, CPT: Ready to unleash your inner warrior, yoga heads? Us too. That’s...

by Jeff Grabmeier: While researchers have long thought that receiving social support from others is...

From comments by Governor Jerry Brown to reports from the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee…


In conjunction with the continuing intuition research at the HeartMath Institute…


by Michael Martin: You pour it out, wear it on your sleeve and love people...

by Ram Dass: The tools for positive transformation that I’m most aware of are the...

What will it take to improve cancer diagnosis such that oncologists have the best chance...

by Emma Morrison: In yoga, there are the Yamas and Niyamas. These are the ethical...

by Ocean Robbins: You’re probably not thinking, “Well, if Elvis Presley loved eating it, it...

by Joe Martino: When’s the last time you had a good hug?


by Fred Backus: About a third of Americans report that they’re eating less meat than...

by Ocean Robbins: Who doesn’t love the side dishes at holiday meals?


by Ocean Robbins: By March 1995, the British girl band Touch was seemingly going nowhere…


Quotes “I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today.”...

by Ocean Robbins: After decades of research and countless studies, science has come to a...

Discover how to prevent heart disease and even reverse it with these 4 heart disease...

by Dennis Thompson: Eating more fish or taking a fish oil supplement can reduce your...

by Julie Peters: Sore, achy feet affect your mood, not to mention cause pain to...

by Stephen Kiesling: An Interview With Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz..


by Dr Woodson Merrell: The human body has an extraordinary ability to detoxify itself…


The life of Shaolin monks is a hard path to spiritual and physical self-improvement…


When I look back on the suffering in my life, I now see it as...

by Jessica Alexander: No cancer is 100% preventable, but there are natural practices you can...