Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Joan Price: Bring up the topic of sex to a group of people who...

In 1967 R.P. Vaish, a devotee of Baba’s, came to Kainchi to see Baba…


Dr. Valerie V. Hunt: “Imagine if we lived in a world where illness and disease...

by Samuel Hahnemann (1796) As sources for ascertaining the medicinal virtues of drugs were so...

by Allison Aubrey: There’s nothing magical about the number 10,000…


by Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma): Every action, if done with awareness, can become yoga, Amma says...

Over-worked, under-slept, and feeling pressure like whoa? There are plenty of ways to find calm—without...

by Ananda Giri, I am certainly not the kind that believes in an omnipotent God...

by Arjun Walia: and the molecular structure of the brain…


by Roshi Joan Halifax: When we use the term mindfulness, we are usually referring to...

Cannon breath…


by Christian Cotroneo: It turns out, after all these millennia, Mother Nature still makes the...

Jonathan Robinson: In this episode we talk to Ric Weinman about using higher energetics as...

by Alan Finger: iHanuman humbly presents this week’s featured offering.


by Bonnie Bright, Ph.D: Love and Relationships as a Spiritual Path in the 21st Century:...

by Willem Kuyken: Learning to befriend all moments places us firmly in the life we...

Dating from the thirteenth century, the Sema ritual performed by the Semezens from the Mevlevi...

The researchers who conducted a recently published study using a short breathing protocol to measure...

by Julie Peters; We have sex for a lot of reasons.


by Sarah Finger: Although the origins of mudras are not known, they have been around...

by Mirka Knaster: Maybe because I can talk up a storm, I love, even crave,...

Here’s the dirt on whether you really need to wash your produce (or use a...

by Alex K. Gearin, PhD: Are there any common elements that may underlie the practices...

by Chad Foreman: I’m inspired to write this blog because my meditation skills and calm...