Articles for: Health & Wellness

Donna Quesada shares a simple but powerful meditation to protect your inner peace when there...

Acrylamide is a potentially toxic and potentially cancer-causing substance that can be naturally present in...

by Donna Eden: Energy Synesthesia—Synesthesia (“joining of the senses”) is the vivid, involuntary experiencing of...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Let’s talk about the link between what goes in our guts...

Yoga practice and meditation work extremely well together, say Cyndi Lee and David Nichtern. They...

The lucky ones have profound, psychedelic experiences on their first float…


Most people watch TV or some other screen before bed…


by Avery Phillips: Creativity isn’t often touted as a skill of priceless value…


Qigong (alternatively spelled chi gung or chi kung) is a form of gentle exercise composed...

by Chameli Ardagh: The innocence and evolutionary intelligence of your spiritual longing can easily be...

Practicing brief sessions of Hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation can significantly improve brain function and...

by George Nicholas: When it supports their claims, Western scientists value what Traditional Knowledge has...

“People will change for other people before they change for themselves,” says Keith Ferrazzi,…


by Cassius Alexi: Everybody should know that something bad happens to our bodies when we...

by Margaret Paul: Take a moment to think about the last time you procrastinated…


Donna Quesada shares a powerful pranayama or breathing technique from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga,...

by Brittany Wright: Matcha (from the Japanese roots matsu, “to rub,” and cha, meaning “tea”)...

by Ray Hemachandra: Rabbi, would you define transpersonal psychology?


by Dr John Buhn: Do the national exercise guidelines need a change?


by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D: The need to face our own death, or the death of...

There is no perfect time to mediate—But you can try these 6 simple steps to...

by Gaia Vince: When Maria Vrind, a former gymnast from Volendam in the Netherlands, found...

CBD and THC are the two most prominent, most studied cannabinoids produced by the Cannabis...

Scientists in Brazil have imaged elderly female yoga practitioners’ brains and found they have greater...