Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The debate on ‘why is it good to be a...

by Dr. Mercola: Fish used to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet,...

by Peter Diamandis: Do I worry about the downside of AI, climate change, terrorism, political...

An interview with NLP Life, reveals how Richard Bandler gave up smoking so easily.


Part of most life extension routines involves keeping your body fit. Here are a great...

Some of Shifu Yan Xin (34th generation Shaolin Disciple) asked him about what training we...

Donna Quesada shares a simple, yet effective meditation to regulate the breathing and strengthen the...

by Peter Diamandis: Ready for some more data-driven optimism?


by Socrates: This 16 minute video, ideal for general audiences and biology students aged 16+,...

by : Dr. Christiane Northrup: This summer I’ve been rereading The Healing Secrets of the...

by Guru Singh: You find it true in yoga; you find it true in life...

by Peter Diamandis: The world is getting better on many critical and measurable fronts.


My Marcel Schwantes: How cool is science? Now you can set yourself up every morning...

by Deepak Chopra: A conversation with the Longevity Innovator and personal transformation icon…


David Deida: What does it take to create a lasting sexual attraction between a man...

by Oli Gross: The rapid rise of plant based milk had a huge impact on...

by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi: Millions of people have become more conscious...

by Dr. Andrew Weil: I have always been fascinated by the difference between plants and...

Donna Quesada: Exactly. And so, this brings me to another question that we like to...

by Sadhguru: What is devotion and how can we practice bhakti yoga? Sadhguru explains how...

by Kristi Nelson: Gratefulness not only changes your life, but also extends beyond your intimate...

Hauser and Caroline Campbell performing Czardas (Csárdás) by Vittorio Monti…


Donna Quesada: Interesting, so the default, or “factory setting”is toward the negative, fearful emotions…


by Helen James: Misalignments in the body compromise the architectural integrity…
