It’s not easy to find the time to practice yoga on a consistent basis… Jessica Minah: Last week, I visited the webpage of a coaching school someone I...
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: The secret of happiness from St. Francis of Assisi… Roshi Joan Halifax: At a Mind and Life Institute conference on neuroscience and compassion...
by Arjun Walia: It’s very easy to come across conflicting information, especially in regards to...
Did you know that people who meditate for a short time each day are much...
by Kristin McGee: There are so many different types of yoga out there, whether you...
A talk from Dr. Wayn e W. Dyer. Break free from your paralyzing routine and...
by Jenn Dawson: Chaturanga, also known as Chaturanga Dandasana, is a yoga pose that moves...
by Lauren Capp: Music is healing. It brings people together from different parts of the...
Oprah and life coach Cheryl Richardson talk about the importance of meditation and explain how...
by Elaine Smookler and Patricia Rockman: In this podcast, Patricia Rockman, director of education and...
by Jo Panyko: What Are Probiotics? Melissa Eisler: Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique...
Have you ever wondered what the ideal human diet is? Have you ever asked yourself...
The past few years have been marked by two major trends in the science of...
by Arjun Walia: It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that...
Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.: Holotropic Breathwork is an experiential method of self-exploration and psychotherapy that...
There is a clinically-studied way to make your cells act like they did when they...
by Jivan Joti Kaur: In the West, spirituality and sexuality have not traditionally been seen...
by Kingsley L. Dennis: Let’s be honest on the matter… Roshi Joan Halifax: I began practicing with Roshi Bernie Glassman and Jishu Angyo Holmes...