Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Emily Regan: What is Shavasana?


by Jim Robbins: San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater...

by Nina Müller: Dr. Jeffery A. Martin, founder and director of the Transformative Technology community,


by Ajanta Suri: Classical Yoga has but one aim – to lead the mind to...

by Sarah Klein: Flaunting a bootylicious rear end is nothing new — but never have...

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: “Infinite patience produces immediate results…the immediate result of your infinite...

In India exact dates are extremely difficult to pinpoint when looking at Yoga’s ancient history...

by Peter Diamandis: Exercise is the single most important pro-longevity activity you can undertake.


by Himanshu Joshi: Around the second century of the Common Era, the yoga Sutras were...

To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what...

by Sayer Ji: From slowing the decline in fatal brain disease, to generating a sense...

by Louise Hay: Little babies love every inch of their bodies…


by Cameron Scott: It turns out that an apple a day — or at least...

by Himanshu Joshi: Yoga’s exact origin remains a mystery…


by Deepak Chopra MD: The path to success can be derailed by clashes with difficult...

by Karson McGinley: Ready to try your first public yoga class?


by Peter Diamandis: How long you live is a function of many factors, including your...

by Steve Taylor: Last week a group of my students were giving a presentation on...

Along with its delicious flavor, ginger is one of the healthiest spices in the world…


by Gabrielle Taylor: There are some ingredients I cook with so often I can never...

By Dr. Edward F. Group: Believe it or not, there are dietary choices you can...

Donna Quesada shares some words about trauma, the role of spirituality in facilitating the healing...

by Samantha Cullen: As a single woman living on my own, I often feel the...

by Dr. Paul Haider: Smell has a powerful effect on the body! Powerful smells from...