Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Ocean Robbins: If a food or beverage makes your tongue feel like all the...

by The Dalai Lama: With a determination to achieve the highest aim, For the benefit...

by Peter Diamandis: What can you do TODAY to add 10, 20, or even 30...

Donna Quesada: Part of your commitment to meeting them where they are is that commitment...

Donna Quesada: And how do you find the balance between individual empowerment and healing, and...

Deepak Chopra MD: In the past 40 years, meditation has entered the mainstream of modern...



Donna Quesada: Well, welcome Seane!


by Hannah Sentenac: The Surprising Truth About This Controversial Vegetable…


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: “It’s hard for me to call it a law. I never...

by James & Dahlia Marin: The microbes in your gut impact every aspect of your...

by Ocean Robbins: Most of us don’t think of lettuce as a super-nutritious food.


by Ocean Robbins: We’ve known about the vitamin antioxidants for a long time: vitamin C,...

by Cheryl Fraser, PhD: You long for amazing sexual experiences. But are you cultivating the...

(One of) My Stories—


by Jacob Devaney: How tantra can lead to awakening and liberation…


Byron Katie talks openly to George Williams, founder of Inexcess Television about her life changing...

by Ocean Robbins: Acrylamide sure doesn’t sound like something edible.


By Dawn Cartwright: What is Tantra?


by Marianne Williamson: I remember the first Earth Day. It began the year I graduated...

By Pao L. Chang: Water is an element that we are very familiar with because...

By Mathew Burgess: Aubrey de Grey wants to save lives. He wants to save as...

By Marilyn Gordon: When you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain, you...

by Garima Roy: Plants have been used as medicines for thousands of years to cure...