by Tara Brach: Over a decade ago, a small group of Buddhist teachers and psychologists...
As well as speaking at this year’s Wellness Day 2011, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa took time...
by Meg Blackburn Losey PHD: There are energetic forces at work that are bringing much...
by Carolyn Gregoire: The embrace of Eastern philosophy and mysticism in the West has a...
by Azriel ReShel: How to Live to Be 100+
...The word “Yin” comes from the ancient Chinese principles of Yin and Yang which are...
After 30 years of research, Professor Valter Longo believes he has created a diet that...
by Catherine Collins: For allergy sufferers, triggers are not only limited to the outdoors… Mathew Walker: We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or...
by Sandra Dean: The use of Aloe vera on the skin is a tradition that’s...
by Amelia Johnson: Life seems to get busy by the day. There’s hardly enough time...
by Nick Polizzi: Have you ever noticed certain patterns in your life that keep happening...
Marion Woodman talks about healing. Healing means making whole. Avery Phillips: Eyesight is one of the first things you notice declining as you...
by Mireya Semelas: There are numerous publications and studies around the limitless benefits of maintaining...
Vintage footage of Swami Sivananda, the founder of The Divine Life Society (1936), in India.
...Are you looking for evening tonic recipes? Are you looking for things to do with...
The butterfly-shaped valve in the neck known as the thyroid gland, might be small, but...
by Claudia Wallis: Can certain foods really help you fight heart disease, arthritis and dementia? Jenn Dawson: Om, or Aum, is a popular sound, mantra, and vibration used during...