Articles for: Health & Wellness

Guru Singh is a celebrated third-generation yogi, master spiritual teacher, author, and musician…


by Ocean Robbins: Olive oil gets a lot of great press as a health food....

Donna Quesada shares some wisdom about how anger affects the liver, along with a simple...

David Deida speaks at the Function Flow and glow seminar about yoga and the capacity...

Donna Quesada talks about devotion, and the importance it holds for healing, and as a...

by Ocean Robbins: Feed a cold, and starve a fever. Or is it the other...

by Bernie Siegel M.D.: has spent 40 years devoted to cancer patients and their families....

by Ocean Robbins: Growing grains for food might have started something like this:


Spiritual Teacher Byron Katie explains how “the work” helps to realise one’s projections and correct...

by Ocean Robbins: Ridding our bodies of nasty microorganisms has been a goal of medicine...

by Ocean Robbins: The highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world is Venezuela’s Angel Falls.


by Ocean Robbins: When someone asks you if you like mushrooms, a lot of things...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: While in Greece we were invited to a local village...

by Ocean Robbins: In retrospect, we probably shouldn’t be surprised that food scientists are going...

Life Force by Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, & Robert Hariri offers a remarkable insight into...

In this video, David Deida talks about the three stages of relationship, from dependency and...

by Aubrey D. N. J. de Grey: Since the dawn of medicine, aging has been...

Deepak Chopra MD: Only a few decades ago, Western medicine viewed the body as a...

Learn about the healing power of Richard Bandler and hypnotism.


by Peter Diamandis: How do you feed 8 billion people, all of whom want access...

by Dr. Andrew Weil: Many nutrition experts contend that pure water is the most healthful...

If there is one thing we can all agree on when it comes to fruits…


by Dr Woodson Merrell: What is Integrative Medicine?


Jean Shinoda Bolen explains that in the second stage of life a woman’s blood is...