Articles for: Health & Wellness

Besides feeling good, and being fun, it seems almost everyone knows that there are healthy...

by Dr. Christiane Northrup : There’s a paradigm shift going on in medicine as new...

by Jonathan Robinson, M.A., M.F.T: In my book The Little Book of Big Questions I...

There’s no denying that we’re all slowly going back to nature. And I mean that...

by Cindy Rollins: Scientists have found foods and listed some of the nutrients that play...

by Woodson Merrell MD: Most people this time of year are thinking about buckling down...

by Korin Miller: It’s hardly shocking to hear that you should eat plenty of fruits...

by Dr Andrew Weil: Once you develop this breathing technique by practicing it every day,...

Donna Quesada shares the beauty and the healing potential of conscious, compassionate listening,


by Virginia Lee: An Interview with Margot Anand: VL: How did you discover tantra?


By Lucid Lucy: Tea is an ancient healer, founded in ancient China, it has made...

People who suffer from depression may want to look to yoga as a complement to...

Louise L. Hay and Cheryl Richardson discuss the book they wrote together


by Jonathan Robinson: As a psychotherapist in training, I gave many of my clients MDMA—now...

by Rose Henderson: Of all the yoga poses, plank pose is perhaps the most widely...

David Deida speaks about identifying with the masculine or feminine side beyond just types.


by Brandi-Ann Uyemura: Massages were a rare treat until a new baby, a lifetime with...

A summary The Way of the Superior Man A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges...

by Nicole McDermott: Push-ups — we’ve all done ‘em,


by Sophie Egan: Experts agree that we are eating too much sugar, which is contributing...

Donna Quesada: Too many people are in survival mode or they give up all together…


By Deepak Chopra: The co-founder of the Chopra Foundation and author of Super Brain shows...

by Tara Springett: My own Kundalini awakened at the age of twenty four during three...

An Interview with Jean Shinoda Bolen By Mary NurrieStearns
