Articles for: Health & Wellness

Ex-hippie Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa is the teacher whom much of prenatal Hollywood has come to...

by Dr. Mercola: When raised the way nature intended, both chickens and their eggs are...

by Donna Quesada: Old Wounds and Dynamics—


by Chad Foreman: Balance is an amazing way to describe meditation and even life itself…


by Ray Hemachandra: When someone I know is having a tough time…


by Alexandria Duron: Yes, constipation is a little awkward to talk about, but it’s way...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: I’ve noticed a common theme among many of my readers and audience...

by Judith Graham: Superagers report strong social relationships…


Lesley Greater speaks about her own healing and how Mary Baker Eddy’s ideas helped her...

Readings from “The Healer, The Healing Work of Mary Baker Eddy,” by David L. Keyston.


Filmed around the time of making Songs In The Key Of Life, this rare footage...

by Rachel Gillett: With all the advice out there about how to stop procrastinating, it’s...

Yoga is often seen as a form of physical exercise that helps stretch and strengthen...

Is human sexuality sinful or sacred? There is nothing wrong or right about sex, says...

by Alex Moore : Centuries ago, Hippocrates wrote, “let food be thy medicine…”


Following closely behind heart disease, can you name America’s second-most pressing public health concern?


Gurukh Kaur Khalsa: Sat Nam, On this first day of our arrival I sit doing...

by Andrew Townsend: An Excerpt from an upcoming book…


by Ocean Robbins: Cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, infections, and diseases of the kidneys, heart,...

by Donna Quesada:My spiritual path took a great turn because of three words, “Follow Your...

by Carolyn Gregoire: Rhythm holds the key to good sex, a study suggests…


Sadhguru answers a question on how important salary is in choosing a job, and looks...

by Julia Baldassano: Every year, on January 1, we vow to make the year ahead...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The search for the soul has preoccupied humans for centuries…
