Articles for: Health & Wellness

Host Steve Martin opens the 75th Academy Awards in 2003…


by Arjun Walia: The existence of the mind/body connection was once completely shunned by mainstream...

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution of our time” by...

Richard Garner, host of The One Network TV, has an enlightening conversation with Barbara Marx...

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. tells a story from her book, Urgent Message from Mother, about...

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. speaks with EnlightenNext magazine about the future of religion and spirituality...

by Rebecca Hiscott: People assume that iPhones, laptops and Netflix are evidence of progress. In...

by Alberto Villoldo: Clearly one of the most important features distinguishing humans from all other...

by Caroline Jumpertz: Enjoying my first mouthful of wine after drinking only water for 10...

by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.: At this time of mourning May we be connected to...

by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.: The Millionth Circle is about circles with a spiritual center,...

by Kino MacGregor: The moral and ethical principles that are the foundation of yoga practice—the...

by Himanshu Joshi: The Sanskrit word Aṣṭāṇga, is a compound comprising of two words: Aṣṭa...

Donna Quesada: This is amazing. And to connect the dots here, you were talking about...

by Peter Diamandis: As we close out 2016, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to...

by Peter Diamandis: We humans are an ingenious species.


by Bill Scheffel: This is the second of five periodic articles reviewing some of the...

by David G. Victor: What a difference a decade makes. Ten years ago, during the...

US Department of State: Recalling the meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Joseph R....

by Ocean Robbins: If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you’re familiar with the motto...

Dr. Daniel Kraft explores the past and future of technology enabled health and biomedicine and...

by Henry Chester Gellis: So here we are, another day unfolding in the universe. If...

by Ocean Robbins: Beets may be messy to cut and sometimes have dull, dirty exteriors…


by Ram Dass: In the simplest sense, you could say that Karma Yoga is using...