Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: At the heart of my Grow a New Body program is...

by Ocean Robbins: One of the scariest characters in cinematic history is the Wicked Witch...

Current depression treatments have limited efficacy and come with many side effects. Our ongoing research...

There are people who feel comfortable in Savasana starting with their first yoga class…


by Ocean Robbins: One day in the spring of 1831, 74 members of the British...

by Jean Houston: When I was about two and a half years old, and my...

Throughout history, our ancestors have relied on numerous herbs and spices, not only for cooking...

by Sifu Anthony Korahais: “Maybe if I spell it differently,” I thought. “Maybe that will...

by Gabby Bernstein: One of the reasons I became a motivational speaker was to gather...

Where Did the Idea Come From?


by Guru Singh: As a child . . . the tools of childhood served us...

When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and...

by Ocean Robbins: Avocados are a popular food loved by many. In fact, avocado consumption...

Gary Zukav : The path to understanding the soul is through the heart, not the...

by Richard Moss MD: I wonder if many of you, like myself…


by Ocean Robbins: If you’re looking for the healthiest foods to include in your diet...

by Monika Carless: “Your openness draws your man into you more deeply, and you feel...

by Chameli Ardagh: I was recently contemplating the power of our community and what it...

Kundalini yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline for developing strength, awareness, character, and...

Part One…


by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: I remember one of my early trips to the Amazon…


by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: To live fearlessly is to actively practice peace and non-violence, even...

Ken Wilber talks about Ayahuasca – From Integral Life Practice Q&A–August, 2005


by Christiane Northrup, M.D: A 5 Minute Self-Compassion Exercise to Help with Recovery…
