by Andrea Wachter: Most of us do not easily speak our truth. Our behavior is...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: One Spirit Medicine states that the best way to heal and...
by The Huffington Post: “I came to the Greeks early, and I found answers in...
by Michelle Estevez: The word kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word which means “coiled up…” Todd Van Luling: Dearest guacamole and hummus, they don’t love you like I love...
by Peter Diamandis: How soon will your food be genetically engineered to match your DNA...
Brandie Weikle: Hyper-hygienic environments can lead to chronic conditions… Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The pledges of the world’s religions are so universal… Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A disease-free body, a violence-free society, a confusion-free mind, a...
by Laura McMullen, Jennifer Aniston’s yoga teacher: Whose body is more scrutinized than that of...
by Deepak Chopra: Gratitude, along with love, compassion, empathy, joy, forgiveness, and self-knowledge, is a...
By Dorene Internicola: For modern, harried lifestyles focused on getting and spending, fitness experts say...
by Itamar Eichner, Dudi Goldman, & Yaron Kelner: Research ranks quality of Israeli nutrition as...
by Esther Hicks: “The Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships” Ocean Robbins: Have you heard of alliums? The most common ones are onions and...
As well as speaking at this year’s Wellness Day 2011, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa took time...
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa: Every year between forty and sixty women come to Los Angeles from...
by Deepak Chopra MD: This summer, I’m engaging friends, family and colleagues in reinventing their...
by Soma Das: Morning yoga can help you kickstart your day on a fit note....
by Deepak Chopra, MD: In the past two decades, yoga has moved from relative anonymity...
by Matt Walker: Some of the Central American rainforest’s hidden treasures are being revealed by...
Aubrey de Grey passionately talks about the ultimate quest for significantly longer, healthier life! A...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: We now know that the fabric of space-time has ripples and...
by Suifu Yan Lei: People always say health is the most important thing but how...