Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Lena Schmidt: A chair of any kind is an excellent prop and can support...

Donna Quesada: Jon, in practical terms, what would be the first step, as you see...

Byron Katie brings her work to Liverpool in an exclusive presentation for Inexcess TV.


by Jillian Hessel: You may be wondering: If Pilates and Yoga are both considered mind/body...

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. leads a meditation for waking the global heart.


by Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson: This past September, Hay House brought it’s “I Can...

by Peter Diamandis: We are at the cusp of a stem cell revolution…


Dr. Andrew Weil: Call them coincidences or you just noticing something that something keeps showing...

Marianne Williamson – best-selling author and spiritual philosopher – explains why taking time each morning...

Dr. Valerie Hunt Measures and Maps The Bio—Energy Field! Dr. Hunt’s work is a unique...

Sadhguru looks at how the worship of the feminine has largely disappeared today, but explains...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The debate on ‘why is it good to be a...

by Jason Louv: We’re often told that having a big ego is a bad thing…


by Casey Chan: If you’re curious how your bones work when you’re doing yoga, Hybrid...

In nearly four decades of working with dying patients, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926–2004) studied thousands of...

By the definite science of meditation known for millenniums to the yogis and sages of...

Donna Quesada: And it seems like it’s willingness in seeing your part in shaping the...

An interview with NLP Life, reveals how Richard Bandler gave up smoking so easily.


Donna Quesada shares a variation of this powerful mantra meditation, called “Sat Kriya”


Donna Quesada: That reminds me of a story I’m wondering if you can share. It’s...

by Luana Steffen: Dogs are loyal, loving, and a new study finds that they may...

by Peter Rejcek: Dmitry Kaminskiy speaks as though he were trying to unload everything he...

Donna Quesada: That’s a beautiful story. Something I have notice in researching you and your...

by Lindsay Oberst: Americans buy nearly a billion bottles of water each week…
