Articles for: Health & Wellness

The person having open and balance heart chakra shows the symptoms of having a very...

by Tony Robbins: The Power Of Priming…


by Sahara Rose Ketabi: This tantric breathing practice from Sarah Platt-Finger can help you achieve...

Donna Quesada: Nice to meet you Bernie, I’m Donna. Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D.: Thank You.


by Nicole Leatherman: There are many creative ways to cook healthful meals…


From the talks and writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:


by Chelsea Debret: The term ‘gut microbiome’, also known as ‘gut bacteria’, has become the...

by Adyashanti: The Revolution of enlightenment…


by Ram Dass: Fear is what excites the adrenaline…


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Marianne Williamson have an intimate conversation about politics, spirituality, and...

by Naii Zaidi: I can’t – okay, I refuse – to work out…


Janet Attwood of “The Passion Test” joins Chef Shelley to make this deliciously sweet and...

Today, Dr. Valerie Hunt: is actively involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions...

by Ram Dass: Ramana Maharshi said, “Look, it’s all very simple, everybody,”


by Carly Fraser: Eating meat-free doesn’t mean you’ll be skimping on protein and iron…


by Guru Singh: You find it true in yoga; you find it true in life...

Dr. Andrew Weil: (Born June 8, 1942) is an American author and physician, best known...

Guru Singh, Guru Singh, offers insight and invaluable tips on staying young.


Jack Canfield: A clear, personal plan of action that will completely transform your life into...

Jack Canfield: So, youve got this big dream in your head and you have no...

Sleep Anxiety—


by Merriam Ferrer: Turmeric is one of the most popular supplements in the UK thanks...

Sat Shree and his wife and partner, Satyamayi, travel worldwide teaching about the New Dharma…


by Simone de Villiers: Travelling from Australia to India for my first 200hr yoga teacher...