by Clint Rainey: In Midtown Manhattan, on the ground floor of an office building, there’s...
In this interview Ewald Stöteler explains in a short and clear way the main features...
In this 2010 interview, Ewald Stöteler explains in a short and clear way the main...
By Ellen Kramer: Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician who became disillusioned with the current...
by Alex Gellman: Homeopathy is an incredible system that has the ability to heal and...
Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1779....
Homeopathy is based on a natural phenomenon of healing which is now commonly referred to...
by Robert Proctor: Voluntary family planning is too often ignored as a means to lower...
by Keri Mangis: Try this yin yoga sequence to cool down hot emotions before reacting...
by Rachel Nuwer: Millennials and older adults lead the surge while Gen Z stays on...
by Adam Hadhazy: The crash of ocean waves, the babbling of brooks, the pitter-patter of...
by Dolores Cannon: There have been many prophecies and visions of our future and the...
by Ocean Robbins : “Why are these people pooping so much?” Ocean Robbins: In 1976, a man named Xavier Roberts attended a local craft fair,...
by Amanda Carter: Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is a full body position that requires both...
by Ocean Robbins: If you’re a fan of conspiracy theories, you’ll love the one about...
by B. David Zarley: Recent and upcoming trials are examining how psychedelics may help treat...
by Dr. Mark Hyman: Here’s the not-so-sweet truth. We are killings ourselves by consuming truckloads...
by Jezreel Lopez: Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in human...
Starting your kids off leaning and doing yoga will be a life long benefit to...