Stephen Levine & Ondrea Levine discuss their health and send thanks to everyone involved with...
by Stephen Levine: We hold our grief hard in the belly. We store fear and...
by Randy Peyser: Having spent the past twenty-five years providing emotional and spiritual support for...
by Stephen Levine: [To be read slowly to a friend or silently to oneself.] Begin...
Drawing on their roots in Vipassana meditation techniques, Stephen Levine and Ondrea Levine have helped...
Activist/musician Moby discusses the personal history and realizations that led him to veganism… Brian Clark Howard: “I’ve been arguing for a while that connection to nature should...
by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait: Long before we learned how to alter the natural world with...
by Lynn Roulo: The Sufi poet Rumi once wrote, “There is a voice that doesn’t...
by Laura Hobgood-Oster: Humans have been using dogs as healers for thousands of years, and...
by Sayer Ji: The world’s most extensively researched spice continues to prove itself capable of...
by Tony Robbins: Did you know more than 43 million Americans are dealing with mental...
Mary Baker Eddy: In the material world, thought has brought to light with great rapidity...
by Mary Baker Eddy: Physiology is one of the apples from “the tree of knowledge.”...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The crown chakra at the very top of the head is...
by Kevin Loria: Consumer Reports found dangerous heavy metals in chocolate from Hershey’s, Theo, Trader...
by Donna Quesada: Sometimes, when we are needed, we try too hard… In our own...
by Bernie Siegel M.D.: When asked to write an article about how to measure success...
by Steve Taylor Ph.D: A few months ago, I completed a research project at my...
In order not to injure the brain substance itself, six hundred and ten electrodes were...
When you step into a yoga class, you are very likely to be asked to...
by Deepak Chopra, M.D: All of us spend the day being conscious and aware and...
by Sara Calabro:Downward-facing dog is the most ubiquitous pose in yoga. Interestingly, the ancient Chinese...
by Paramahansa Yogananda: A talk given on May 21, 1944, at Self-Realization Fellowship Temple, Hollywood,...