Articles for: Love

by Tara Brach: Jeff was convinced he’d fallen out of love with his wife, Arlene,...

by Gina Hardy: A Conscious Union – The Ultimate Relationship…


by Sharon Salzberg: We all yearn for connection, yet often feel trapped by our sense...

by Karen Maezen Miller: Years and years ago when I was young and busy and...

by Barry Boyce: When we awaken our fearless heart and honor our desire to be...

by Thich Nhat Hanh: In his introduction to the book, Love’s Garden: A Guide to...

Cape Healing Arts publisher Beth Draper interviewed Catherine Ingram via email recently.


by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Love is not only a feeling…


by Mateo Sol: There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There...

by Jonathan Robinson: The Compassion Questions. Have you noticed that some people are just plain...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Love is the most powerful emotion we will ever experience—even greater...

By James Ballantyne: “Can we dare to think people are kind, and shape organisations around...

by Kate Rose: “Real love begins when nothing is expected in return.” ~ Thich Nhat...

by Swami Nikhilananda: HOLY MOTHER, in a unique way, fulfilled the duties of wife, mother,...

by Don Miguel Ruiz: ONCE UPON A TIME, a Master was talking to a crowd...

by Albert C Brooks: When it comes to lasting romance, passion has nothing on friendship…


by Shakti Gawain: Many of us started our spiritual journeys with Shakti Gawain by our...

It’s hard to always show compassion — even to the people we love, but Robert...

by Sharon Salzberg: It’s only after we’ve practiced many times that we’ll begin to notice...

by Lisa Elaine Held: On a freezing Friday night in New York, a line of...

by Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D: Towards a brighter, more wholesome future…


by ESTHER AND JERRY HICKS Try this exercise to transform your relationships.


Gary Zukav’s view of enlightenment owes its debt to no single philosophy or idea.


In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written...