Articles for: Love

by Jonathan Robinson: In my book The Little Book of Big Questions I have a...

by Candice Jalili: All right, so you just went through a breakup… now what?


by Kelsey Borresen: Mention the word “soulmate” to a group of people and you’re bound...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: The story goes that, at the time of the Buddha,...

by Julie Peters; In many religious traditions, sexuality is feared. We are given strict rules...

Life seems to have a plan for us even before we know it. In fact,...

by Reza Aslan and Jessica Jackley: People assume that, because we are of different faiths,...

Marianne Williamson: EVERY MORNING when you wake up, your mind is more open to receive...

by Sherrie Campbell: Counter to what many believe, accolades are not really what success is...

by John Welwood: Love is what we long to receive and to give, yet our...

by Brugh Joy: “Unconditioned/Unconditional Love Transcends the Self and gives the Self the cohesiveness of...

by Theresa E DiDonato Ph.D: How do you know if you’re in love?


by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick doth proclaim: “There are more important...

by Charles Eisenstein: 1. No demand is big enough. In other words,


by John Welwood: Living with someone we love, with all the joys and challenges, is...

by Jonathan Robinson: Your real Self, sometimes referred to as your soul or pure awareness,...

by Christiane Northrup M.D: Energy healing can be a powerful way to improve your health...

by The Dalai Lama: When the president of the United States says “America first,” he...

by Kate Rose: When I was young, I believed in fairytales—or at least I wanted...

by Sara Childre: It’s becoming clearer to many of us that working together with kindness,...

by Rachel Grieve: Love is a complex and powerful force, one that plays out in...

by Toni Antonucci Kristine, J. Ajrouch Noah and J. Webster: If you’re having issues with...

by Sabine Lichtenfels: How to Live Our Erotic Truth…


by Kelsey Borresen: Philanthropist Melinda Gates reveals one of the secrets to her successful marriage...