Articles for: Love

A new study finds that half of human cultures don’t practice romantic lip-on-lip kissing. Animals...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Everyone gets in arguments—even theDalai Lama says so! So how...

by David Deida: For the Masculine, death and sex are inextricably interwoven; that is, good...

We cleanse our home energetically in order to welcome good, high vibration energy into your...

by Megan Larson: As a child therapist (and animal lover) I am often asked questions...

by Arjuna Ardagh: A few years ago, when my children were still young, we had...

Marion Woodman talks about self love.


by Falan Storm: Sex is meant to be sacred, I believe…


by Jade Small: Tantra is one of the modern sexual buzzwords that many people are...

by Katie Morton: This post is based on the book titled 10 Secrets of Extraordinary...

by Margot Anand: Many people mistakenly believe that Tantra is a spiritual bastardization of sexual...

To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what...

by Louise Hay: Little babies love every inch of their bodies…


Marianne Williamson share her insights with readers of this blog. Marianne is an internationally...

Dearest… Ed passed away last Sunday at 3pm. I am so happy he is free!


“The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety...

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Are you familiar with the ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian approach?


by Margot Anand: During the fifties, Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who developed the concept of “peak...

Laura Argintar: It turns out there really is some science as to why your sorry,...

By Kelly Marceau: “If you want to be the kind of lover women never forget,...

“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back,...

Foreigner – I Want to Know What Love Is (Live)…


by Jacob Devaney: How tantra can lead to awakening and liberation…


By Dawn Cartwright: What is Tantra?
