Articles for: Love

by Tracy Matfin: The ordinary way of living modern day life is clearly not working...

by Dr.Wayne Dyer: There is no greater power in heaven or on earth than pure,...

Dharma Dialogues with Catherine Ingram


In this video, David Deida talks about the three stages of relationship, from dependency and...

Besides feeling good, and being fun, it seems almost everyone knows that there are healthy...

by Marianne Williamson: A giant in the fields of alternative medicine and spirituality, my friend...

David Deida speaks about identifying with the masculine or feminine side beyond just types.


by Brendan Miller: What actually happens at a Tantra workshop? Level 1 Immersion Be Fully...

by Alex Allman: The challenge for so many loving and committed couples is in keeping...

by David Deida: Few people know how to give their love as a vulnerable gift...

by Osho: The first thing is that up till now, all of human culture has...

Everyone messes up. Me, you, the neighbors, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, King David, the Buddha,...

by Ananda Giri: Senior Faculty Teacher at One World Academy.


by Swami Satchidananda: Once I was asked the question: “Do the Vedas teach vegetarianism?” The...

In this clip, David Deida polls the audience on their sexual realizations, then sends them...

According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in...

by Jonathan Robinson: On the path toward enlightenment, there is an ever-present obstacle that one...

by Nina Bahadur: Given that Paris is the most romantic city in the world, it...

by Ashleigh Wilson: Unveiling the Truth About Love…


In an interview Margot Anand explains How Meditation Impacts Sexuality.


by Donna Quesada: There must be more articles and books on the topic of relationships...

by Andreas Matthias: What keeps us from finding happiness in love?


I often hear of people complain about their relationships, and after a while, it seemed...

We’ve invented the wheel, cracked the code of DNA—so what’s next for humankind? Marion Woodman,...