Articles for: Love

by Swami Sivananda: PROSTRATIONS and humble salutations to Lord Subramanya, the Supreme Being, who is...

by Swami Sivananda: Siva is known by the name ‘Girisa’, as He is the Lord...

by Swami Sivananda: This falls on the 13th (or 14th) day of the dark half...

From the famous opening of the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival (pictured above), to impacting medical...

“Who will be the happiest person? The one who brings happiness to others.” His holiness,...

By Jalaja Bonheim, PhD: Do you often feel isolated, invisible and unheard? If so, you’re...

by Susan Helene Kramer: Ah, dear Holy Mother – Sri Sarada Devi. 100 years ago...

by Tara Yoga Centre: Sarada Devi was today Mother Theresa. She was filled with compassion...

By Dawn Cartwright: What is Tantra?


by Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at Harvard University, September 24, 1993


by Daya Mata: When I was meditating recently, such a powerful inspiration came into my...

by Esther and Jerry Hicks: A question for Abraham: My work is an adventure, and...

Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’sGuide to Intuitive Healing: 5 Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual...

by Zoë Kors: Throughout my years of working with women, there is a conversation that...

What is love? It is a question sure to elicit a great many responses…


Dharma Dialogues with Catherine Ingram


Kim Eng: During my travels, one of the most frequently asked question is “What is...

Donna Quesada for Awaken: Thank you for spending this time with us, Dear Meher Baba....

by Esther and Jerry Hicks: Jerry: Is there the “one perfect person” for us to...

by Marianne Williamson: A giant in the fields of alternative medicine and spirituality, my friend...

Marion Woodman On The Inner Marriage Of The True Masculine And The True Feminine interviewed...

by Erin Magner: Kate Hudson, Alicia Keys, and Amanda Chantal Bacon are radiant proof of...

Only Breath was written in the 13th century by the Sufi mystic poet Jalal ad-Din...

by Sara and Doc Childre: Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion and Unconditional Love…
