Albert Einstein: This private letter expresses views never meant for public consumption by of one...
Gary Zukav: “Emotions are classes in the Earth school. Some classes are about fear, and...
by Bill Scheffel: This is the first of five periodic articles reviewing some of “the...
by Daniel Redwood: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. is one of a kind. She has been widely...
Donna Quesada shares the Wahe Guru mantra and her experience with the practice of devotion Oren Jay Sofer: There is one activity we each do every day, all day...
Tara Brach and her husband, meditation teacher Jonathan Foust, have developed a regular practice for...
by Christina Sarich: The Amazing Intelligence of Animals… Alan Lightman: In 2016, the Harvard biologist emeritus and naturalist E.O. Wilson published Half-Earth:...
[Teilhard’s] vision of love is a spirituality that celebrates the oneness of creation, a spirituality...
by Karen Maezen Miller: Karen Maezen Miller on how meditation helps her bring “doing nothing”...
by B. F. Skinner: In my address to the Japanese Psychological Association on Sunday, I...
by Lachlan Brown: For years I struggled to find the peace I really wanted…
...The I Ching is the world’s oldest and most sophisticated system of wisdom divination.
...Donna Quesada shares a few words about why it is important for mental health to...
“Dying to Know: Ram Dass and Timothy Leary” is a love story, but not in...
Excerpts from a lecture by Yogi Bhajan: , Summer Solstice, June 25, 1987… R.D. Laing: We must remember that we are living in an age in which...
By Francis Huxley: Times do change. Fancy being asked to speak on the subject of...
In 1965, the psychiatrist opened a residential treatment centre that aimed to revolutionize the treatment...
by Jo Eberhardt: Ah, puberty. It changes our sweet, wonderful little boys into sweet, eye-rolling,...
by Deepak Chopra: I last sat with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi more than 10 years ago....
by Sam Langley: During standing practice, something occurred to me: Awareness is the first and...