Articles for: MIND

by Jeff B. Cohen: As a key figure in the creation of the atom bomb...

by Albert Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as...

by Matthew Thornton: Those that pay heed to the writings, thoughts, and ideas of R....

Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs model in 1940-50s USA, and the Hierarchy of...

by Tam Hunt: A new theory of consciousness…


Timothy Leary and Ram Dass debate GOD.


My Take on OCD—


by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi: Love and compassion are qualities essential to our stature as true...

by Christian Wertenbaker: Consciousness can be regarded as a miracle from many different points of...

Stephen Levine: NOTE: This is an excerpt from the full 90-minute DVD.


by Danielle Paige: 3 steps to consciously incorporate into your life as part of your...

by Harry J. Stead: What is synchronicity? And how can we use it for inner...

by John Cloud: New research on psychedelic drugs shows promise for their therapeutic use.


In this video Dr. Jeffery Martin shares what our scientific research with over 1,000 people...

Man of La Mancha – The Impossible Dream: Don Quixote (Peter O’Toole) sings a song...

by Tracy L. Daniel, Ph.D: Mindfulness reduces stress and encourages relaxation — this, in turn,...

by Matthew Fox, Lama Tsomo: The Reverend Matthew Fox is a former Dominican priest in...

by Cristian Violatti: The philosopher Confucius (or Kongzi, c. 551 to c. 479 BCE) is...

by Donna Quesada: Japanese Death Haiku #1


Rabbi Rami Shapiro: All of this back story may be, you know, the Divine Mother...

David Welch: Buddha became enlightened. Jesus obtained Christ Consciousness. Is there some, you know…what might...

By Ellen Kramer: Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician who became disillusioned with the current...

by Alex Gellman: Homeopathy is an incredible system that has the ability to heal and...

Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1779....