Articles for: MIND

by Angie Schultz: “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of...

A Map For The Journey Of Life…


Awaken: Thank you, George, for spending this time with us.


by Peter Diamandis: Want to live longer, healthier? Pick your morning routines wisely.


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: The great Swami Satchidananda always said that we only need...

by Osho: The first thing is that up till now, all of human culture has...

Most of us are accustomed to looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment.


by Donna Quesada: You crave spiritual growth. Your soul longs for the deepening of your...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Did you ever get into a heated argument with someone...

By Ernest Holmes: We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and...

by Parenting With Presence: Nonviolent Communication allows us to shift our thinking from good and...

by Dr. Beth O’Brien: “What am I going home to?” Mindy wondered…


The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way…


Jonathan Robinson, a renowned psychotherapist, keynote speaker, author and personal productivity expert…


by Viral Mehta: It is a simple yet profound metaphor that a childhood mentor of...

by Peter Diamandis: Why do some people make it to 105 years old in strong...

by Samuel “Gentoku” McCree: “Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu…


“We can be happy under all conditions,” Sri Gurudev (Integral Yoga) says and gives a...

Intro by Author—


by Carl Rogers: As part of my studies for my master’s degree in counseling, I...

by Daya Mata: Many in the world today are filled with tension and insecurity. This...

by Tam Hunt: We need to reexamine the idea of “objectivity” in research…


Live from the 59th Grammy Awards


by Paul C Pritchard: Starting the Day with Heart-Felt Intention.
