Articles for: MIND

by Jane Kyle: Recently, scientists from Caltech university proved that an ancient species of jellyfish...

by Bernie Siegel M.D.: Love and laughter are required to build and hold our lives...

by Adyashanti: True meditation has no direction or goal. It is pure wordless surrender, pure...

by Adyashanti: “Through the process, there was a deeper, more extraordinary dissolution of the egoic...

by Adyashanti: The revelation of Oneness brings a great peace and rest at the center...

by Adyashanti: Today I awoke, finally I see the Self has re-turned to the Self.


by Adyashanti: One of the reasons I have people meditate is because I think of...

by Adyashanti: The fully open heart rests in sweet unknowingness, safe in its own embrace,...

by Tom Stine: I strongly urge all of you to read Who Hears This Sound?...

by Adyashanti: To discover our autonomy is the most challenging thing a human being can...

by Adyashanti: The real search isn’t a search into tomorrow, or to anywhere other than...

by Donna Quesada: The Three Minds—


by Michael Vakil Kenton: Almost everyone has experienced the beneficial effects of music in one...

by Catherine Clifford: Life and business strategist Tony Robbins has been dubbed the “CEO Whisperer.”


Gunner Michanek: Mindfulness comes from the center…


David Welch: What are the three levels in Mindfulness?


by Deepak Chopra MD : “DOCTOR, we need you on Surgical Four,” a nurse’s voice...

By Arjun Walia: It has been written about before, over and over again, but cannot...

by Stephanie Pappas:We only remember a fraction of our dreams, and even those slip away...

by John Koetsier: Google director of engineering, futurist, inventor, and author Ray Kurzweil is not...

David Welch: How would you describe Mindfulness?


by Thich Nhat Hanh: Suppose your partner says something unkind to you, and you feel...

by Tony Robbins: Discover if you are a matcher or a mismatcher – and what...

by Brandon West: In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic...