Articles for: MIND

by Tanja Taljaard: Is Sisterhood the most powerful force for Women’s Health?


by Alan Finger: Live Online Meditation with ISHTA Yoga Founder, Alan Finger…


Donna Quesada: It’s a pleasure to see you again, personally, and also because I know...

Jonathan Robinson: If you can fog a mirror, you have probably noticed two things.


Internationally known for her empowering approach to women’s health and wellness, an in depth conversation...

by Daniel Redwood: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. is one of a kind. She has been widely...

Futurist-Inventor Ray Kurzweil sees a world coming where humans merge with technology allowing us to...

by Deepak Chopra, M.D.: Meditation has a short history in this country, and it’s gratifying...

by Kelsey Borresen: Contrary to popular belief, having sex on the daily doesn’t necessarily make...

by Carolyn Gregoire: We live in a world that is, in many ways, more predictable...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: We were listening to a radio interview we did recently,...

by Jonathan Robinson: Imagine you suddenly won or inherited a billion dollars. What would you...

by Glenn Plaskin: Anthony (Tony) Robbins: At the Los Angeles Convention Center, 5,000 fans are...

by Megan Larson: As a child therapist I feel extremely fortunate to be in the...

[Teilhard’s] vision of love is a spirituality that celebrates the oneness of creation, a spirituality...

by Cara Bradley: We often practice mindfulness in stillness. Here, Cara Bradley shares how mindful...

by B. F. Skinner: In my address to the Japanese Psychological Association on Sunday, I...

Donna Quesada shares a few words about the physiological benefits of the sigh, and demonstrates...

by Jonathan Robinson: In order to be truly happy, people need to know what’s most...

by Caroline Myss: One of the more difficult truths to convey to people is that...

Making love is the ultimate form of expression in a relationship…


The I Ching is the world’s oldest and most sophisticated system of wisdom divination.


Pragito Dove: I first heard about the laughter meditation when my son was 5 yrs...

by Tony Robbins: Your Three Steps To A Breakthrough…
