by Frances Masters: It is always said that it is the ordinary people who can...
Lesley Greater speaks about her own healing and how Mary Baker Eddy’s ideas helped her...
Readings from “The Healer, The Healing Work of Mary Baker Eddy,” by David L. Keyston.
...Fritz Perls speaks to students about Gestalt therapy, the self and spirit.
...From the 1970’s TV Show, Our Changing World, Earl Nightingale presents his take on the...
Filmed around the time of making Songs In The Key Of Life, this rare footage...
by Rachel Gillett: With all the advice out there about how to stop procrastinating, it’s...
Yoga is often seen as a form of physical exercise that helps stretch and strengthen...
Is this person flirting with me?
...John Lilly describes himself as a messenger. His mission is to present keys to unlock...
This is an excerpt from the full John Lilly film: From Here to Alternity.
...This is the history of the Floatation Tank Association based on available information. The floatation...
by New Realities: This was my first interview. My two guests were: John C. Lilly,...
Excerpt from “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie.
...CBS News feature story on Dale Carnegie Training shows how the tried and tested Dale...
The core of the video is a workshop pedagogical on Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special...
Easy to understand animation explaining all of Albert Einstein‘s Theory. Covers both Special Relativity and...
Original footage … thanks to the efforts of the whole community *) it was finally...
by Jon Kabat-Zinn: the ‘father of modern mindfulness’, shares his groundbreaking ideas… Chad Foreman: Meditation quotes from masters can be powerful tools for contemplation…