Articles for: MIND

by Donna Quesada: When I was growing up, it seemed everyone was impressed with those...

Donna Quesada: Well, Ed and Deb Shapiro… Welcome! And it is just wonderful to see...

Surprise! The things we think we want (billions of dollars, a flawless body, a new...

As one of the world’s best-known spiritual advisers, Deepak Chopra has taken meditation mainstream. Here’s...

by Dr Kai Swigart: Depression, the most prevalent perturbation, the world’s largest disability; can be...

by Christof Koch: An encounter with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the scientific study...

by National Science Foundation: Albert Einstein is known in popular culture for his famous E...

Donna Quesada shares a very special meditation from the Kundalini tradition,


by Deepak Chopra, M.D: A new medical breakthrough that is actually very old is known...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: No one can really enjoy getting angry. It’s like drinking...

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Are you familiar with the ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian approach?


Innermost awareness is the essence of all Tibetan Buddhist teachings…


Rupert Spira explores the perennial, non-dual understanding that lies at the heart of all the...

David Welch: If you were going to attempt to describe God, what would you say?


Jon Kabat-Zinn, Oprah Winfrey: With the demands of modern times, it can be difficult to...

by Jaime Leal Anaya: Interconnectedness between human beings is most clearly seen today in the...

by Shelley Carson: He is one of the world’s best known and most successful entrepreneurs,...

David Welch: When we awaken, who are we as spiritual beings?


Maranda Pleasant: What makes you come alive?


David Welch: What does it mean to awaken and live an awakened life?


Ashley Campbell covers the outlaw country classic, “Highwayman.”


by Ken Jordan: You talk about “shamanic ecstasy” in your writing and lectures. It sounds...

by innuva : Many say that public schooling is failing. The evidence offered depends upon...

Louise L. Hay is a bestselling author, speaker and inspirational teacher whose healing techniques, affirmations...