Here, among the voluptuous confines of the imagination dwell an alternate, but ever existing, point...
by Michael Presley: It is my hope that this brief survey will, in small measure,...
By Marshall Rosenberg: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) includes a simple method for clear, empathic communication, consisting...
by Morgan Rose Elliott:Reaching that serene state of mind in this hectic and bustling world...
The acclaimed author and teacher Jack Kornfield explains the principles that are integral to the...
by Marion Woodman: “She couldn’t be more perfect!” my colleague had exclaimed, scanning the pages...
by Maria Popova: “You have to learn to recognize your own depth.” Swami Sivananda: Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the...
A brief clip of Ernest Holmes speaking about the power of the belief on This...
by Ernest Holmes: Part I: INTRODUCTION An Overview of the Evolution of Humanity’s Thought
...In the new book, “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” (Avery),...
Carlos Castaneda, Tales from the Jungle – Special BBC Carlos Castaneda (Portugues subtitled – 6...
“DON JUAN THE SORCERER” – Carlos Castaneda interviewed by Theodore Roszak. Goran Powell: The Shaolin Temple is regarded as the birthplace of Zen and Kung...
by Sifu Anthony: What do Cosmos Qigong, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Zen Meditation have in...
Sadhguru: Having trouble with your dhanurasana. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the science of asanas, Fritz Perl: How can we fail to project ourselves into each and every dream...
By Deane Alban: Music has played an important part of every human culture, both past...
by Tara Brach: This meditation guides us in collecting and quieting the mind with the...