Articles for: Mindfulness & Meditation

Yeshe Tsogyal was born in 777 CE to a princely Kharchen family. Her mother was...

Yeshe Tsogyal (eighth century, Tibet) was a consort and disciple of Padmasambhava, the Indian Master...

by Swami Sivananda: The Ganga came out of the Supreme Being. She entered the feet...

by Swami Sivananda: SALUTATIONS to Lord Ganesha who is Brahman Himself, who is the Supreme...

by Swami Sivananda: PROSTRATIONS and humble salutations to Lord Subramanya, the Supreme Being, who is...

by Swami Sivananda: Siva is known by the name ‘Girisa’, as He is the Lord...

by Swami Sivananda: This falls on the 13th (or 14th) day of the dark half...

From the famous opening of the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival (pictured above), to impacting medical...

by Sri Aurobindo: 30th Aug. 1905. Dearest Mrinalini, I have received your letter of the...

by Sri Aurobindo: Ages ago there was a priest of Baal who thought himself commissioned...

by Sri Aurobindo: When the mind is entirely passive, then the force of Nature which...

The following quotes are from Volume 26, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, “On Himself”


(A speech delivered in Bombay on 19 January 1907 at the invitation of the Bombay...

Donna Quesada: I’m on board, but I want to flesh out these questions that I’ve...

by Daya Mata: When I was meditating recently, such a powerful inspiration came into my...

The overview effect is a transcendental, euphoric feeling of universal connection reported by some astronauts...

Oprah and life coach Cheryl Richardson talk about the importance of meditation and explain how...

Donna Quesada: I love that. You bring up the notion of reincarnation, which is so...

by Tony Robbins: The Simplest Tool For Immediately Transforming The Quality Of Your Life…


by Neeti Narula: Sitting still can be challenging, even for experienced yoga teachers. Practicing this...

by Christopher Willard: Research shows that meditating benefits everyone around you—whether you’re in the same...

Virginia Satir shares her views on family, human behavior and the quest for peace.


by Heidi Spear: When we think about health for the physical body, we often think...

by B.K.S. Iyengar: Patanjali, undoubtedly the greatest expounder of Yoga, lived sometime between 500 and...