Articles for: Miracles

by Arjun Walia: Whether they are savants who can paint a masterpiece blindfolded in seconds,...

Marianne Williamson: Excerpts from her book A Return To Love. Music by John Boswell, A...

Donna Quesada: I remember one part in the book that struck me, you spoke to...

Awaken: It is an honor and a privilege to spend this time with you. I...

AWAKEN: Saint Hildegard, it is an honor to spend this time with you. May we...

Donna Quesada: Leonard, you experienced a series of awakenings in the 80s,


by Nicole Lyn Pesce: Oprah dubbed happiness guru Gabrielle Bernstein the voice of a spiritual...

by Jonathan Robinson: Most people make New Year resolutions that, even if they kept them,...

By Dean Radin, Phd: In order to attain any of the 28 siddhis you must...

by Bryce Haymond: At this time of year the Christian world celebrates the birth of...

These true stories prove that a well-timed letter, a handful of pennies, or a single...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: Many of us long for a life of happiness and peace, but...

by Caroline Myss: These are the teachings I hold most dear to my heart and...

by Abbot George Burke: To someone who wished I would write anything I might know...

Oprah Winfrey: Author Marianne Williamson says a miracle is a shift in perception from fear...

The Taoists observed that humans tend to act in ways that are counterproductive…


by Emily Jull: Faith traditions have the potential to give their practitioners many profoundly important...

by Lucid Dream Society: There are certain techniques for pineal gland activation, that can enhance...

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva: sheds light on the mystical Kundalini energy, which lies dormant in every...

Marianne Williamson: Drawing on the self-study principles of “A Course in Miracles,” this guide explains...

The Buddha did not find liberation


by Annamarie Adkins: TIJUANA, MEXICO, APRIL – The secular press recently was full of articles...