by Richard Greene: As we leave the season when many have celebrated the birth of...
by Alex K. Gearin, PhD: Are there any common elements that may underlie the practices...
Donna Quesada: With all of that said, religion had a real problem with what Galileo...
by Chad Foreman: I’m inspired to write this blog because my meditation skills and calm...
Let me begin by saying we are not outside for 4-6 hours everyday…
...Donna Quesada: And it seems that all these practices have that in common…getting you to...
by Steve Andreas: About eight years ago, Virginia gave a workshop in San Francisco with...
by Emily Willingham: Ancient site points to weed’s role in burial rites… Scott Mautz: It’s dead simple but so often overlooked and misunderstood… Donna Quesada: It started happening when I was around 18 years old. I remember...
by Maria Popova: “In forty years of medical practice, I have found only two types...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Modern physics explains that interactions across time and space are possible…
...Improvement is always possible. This conviction is the heart of the transformation system developed by...
by Thomas Hornigold: There’s a game young children like to play when they’re just beginning...
With the help of Byron Katie, a woman learns about the origins of hatred and...
by Elaine Smookler: Try this meditation practice to relax your body from head to toe…
...William James (1904) ‘Thoughts’ and ‘things’ are names for two sorts of object, which common...
The microphone wasn’t working properly and Virginia Satir, the legendary psychotherapist, was delighted. (February 12,...
by Robert Dilts: I first came in contact with Timothy Leary in 1982 when he...
by Kendra Cherry: In Abraham Maslow‘s famous hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is located at the...
by Keith Giles: All my life I’ve been told by my Sunday School Teachers…