Articles for: Psychology

by Eckhart Tolle: You always start with the present moment. You start with where you...

by Michele Rosenthal: Be healthier through one simple choice every day: be optimistic


by Alberto Villoldo: Learn the ancient keys for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago, now...

Accepting our physical sensations—whether pleasant or not—is one of the most challenging and liberating of...

by Marianne Williamson: Sometimes, it’s when all hope is seemingly lost that the greatest breakthroughs...

An interview with Tara Brach


by Andrea Miller: The open sky, the scent of pine, the smell of sea—summer in...

by Tara Brach: Inquiring Mind: In your book you talk about being caught for years...

Tara Brach: These two classes cover the basic instructions for Buddhist mindfulness (vipassana or insight)...

by Tara Brach: Whether you face chronic anxiety or more violent storms of fear and...

by Tara Brach: These two classes cover the basic instructions for Buddhist mindfulness (vipassana or...

by Gary Zukav: I am always amazed by the depth, beauty, and power of people…


by Matthew Jacobs: “Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru” premieres July 15…


by Deepak Chopra: In a competitive society, success is all but impossible without taking risks.


by Michael Pietrzak: On a wet Saturday morning in 2011, I dragged myself into the...

by Tara Brach: When stressed, we often react with looping fear-thoughts, feelings and behaviors that...

by Steve Taylor PhD: IMAGINE IF YOU were an alien who had been sent to...

by Steve Taylor PhD: WHEN I KNEW that I was going to take part in...

by Steve Taylor PhD: Writing my recent book “Out of the Darkness” has taught me...

Eckhart very rarely gives interviews these days, so we are pleased to bring you this...

Steve Taylor PhD: is an author and teacher, whose main interests are psychology and spirituality....

by Steve Taylor PhD: To an impartial observer—say, an alien zoologist from another planet –...

by Steve Taylor PhD: We all experience ‘higher states of consciousness’ from time to time,...

by Dalai Lama: An excerpt from The Dalai Lama’s Big Book of Happiness…
