Making love is the ultimate form of expression in a relationship… Roshi Joan Halifax: On the 76th anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima, Japan,...
The Politics of Experience R. D. Laing (1967) Chapter I. Persons and Experience: That great...
David Welch: Awaken seeks wisdom that will help us in our personal and collective processes...
by Steve Taylor Ph.D: Are spiritual experiences becoming more common? Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Last week I wrote about the legend of Inkari, as told...
By Ed and Deb Shapiro: Have you ever been in a crowded subway or busy...
by Eugene Taylor: Everything about psychedelics from usage to America’s liberal attitude towards drugs… Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: Light is our true essence… Deepak Chopra, M.D: To say that prayers are answered isn’t the same as saying...
by Don Miguel Ruiz: Have you ever asked yourself if something you heard was actually...
by Michael Mendizza: The following is an edited interview with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, founder and...
by Arjuna Ardagh: Sometimes something comes through you, rather like giving birth to a baby… Byron Katie: When you’re shut down and frightened, the world seems hostile… Sharon Salzberg: Switching from a passive recipient of love to a living embodiment of...
Dave Rubin talks to Eckhart Tolle (Author, ‘The Power of Now’ & ‘A New Earth’...
by Eckhart Tolle: Being Content, No Matter the Circumstance… Jonathan Robinson, M.A., M.F.T.: The Near Death Questions. Deepak Chopra, M.D: It may sound odd at first, but there are ways to...
No more ‘Not tonight, dear’ – there are a load of good health reasons to...
by Jocelyn Daher: What exactly is self-actualization? Located at the peak of , he described...
by Richard Rohr, OFM: Although Eckhart Tolle is arousing great interest today, many think he...