A brief clip of Ernest Holmes speaking about the power of the belief on This...
The Seventh-day Adventist church in this sunny pocket of Southern California was founded in the...
Thinking about skipping out on the gym today? Not so fast. It’s not just your...
by Sam Langley: This morning I’ve awoken with a desire to write. My Tai Chi...
Donna Quesada: And so, do you feel that Yoga and meditation are necessary for this...
Dr. Valerie V. Hunt talks about the New Model of a Human Being.
...Marion Woodman, a disciple of carl jung’s, speaks on the necessity of honoring our own...
Renowned Jungian Analyst and author, Marion Woodman and celebrated mystic Andrew Harvey, discuss how our...
Many of us feel we have ‘two sides’ to ourselves. Here, renowned Jungian analyst, Marion...
There’s some amazing things coming down the healthcare pipeline and Daniel Kraft ( @daniel_kraft )...
Yoga means union; it is essentially a relationship. The core relationship is between us as...
Louise L. Hay and Dr. Christiane Northrup speak candidly at The Hay House I Can...
by Elizabeth Fernandez: Diet, Meditation, Exercise Can Improve Key Element of Immune Cell Aging, UCSF...
by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: At the end of 2020, Boston Dynamics released a spirits-lifting, can’t-watch-without-smiling...
For decades, researcher Mina Bissell pursued a revolutionary idea — that a cancer cell doesn’t...
If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur Boorman...
by Ocean Robbins: “But where do vegans get their protein?”
...In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, “We are losing our...
by Kat Smith: Arnold Schwarzenegger had a plant-based feast courtesy of vegan chef and Good...
The comprehensive story of the development of a true system of healthcare, focused on the...
Part 2 in a series examining the contribution of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann to the reform...