Articles for: Mind Videos

Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is. ~ Rumi. A collection of...

These are four of Rudolf Steiner’s best-loved lectures. Included are practical training in thought, overcoming...

This documentary looks at the early life and spirituality of Rudolf Steiner.


Rudolf Steiner‘s philosophy on evil from the perspective of spiritual science.


The full audio book of The Symposium by Plato.


An Animated analysis of Plato’s Cave, in Book 7 of THE REPUBLIC, to help understand...

Who has not heard of Mother Teresa? This nun has touched countless of hearts, one...

Dr. Jeffrey Zeig lectures on the work of Milton Hyland Erickson.


Dr. Milton Erickson was one of the founders of modern hypnotherapy and other therapeutic approaches....

Dr. Milton Erickson was one of the founders of modern hypnotherapy and other therapeutic approaches....

A thought provoking collection of creative quotations from Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910)


In an interview, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is asked whether he has divine powers.


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi responds to the question, what is true genius.


A brief story of the life of Sri Krishna Patthabi Jois.


Practitioners Chuck Miller, Gary Lapodota, Clifford Sweatte and Tim Miller practice Ashtanga Yoga with Sri...

At age 78, Krishna Pattabhi Jois leads a class in Ashtanga Yoga, 1993.


Taken from a NOVA interview, 1983, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross speaks to a dying patient.


Filmed in 1983, Dr. Kubler-Ross discusses end of life issues including forgiveness and the concept...

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross talks about siblings of the dying. The excerpt is from a University...

by Jean Shinoda Bolen: Today, hundreds of thousands of women’s initiatives worldwide stabilize local economies,...

An interchange between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu at the interspiritual prayer breakfast on...

The overview effect is a transcendental, euphoric feeling of universal connection reported by some astronauts...

by Sandra Ingerman: I have been sharing that Isis is really encouraging us all to...

by Tony Robbins: How To Live In A Beautiful State And Feel Joy!…
