Articles for: Videos

Fritz Perl speaks about how to use your spiritual energy.


Fritz Perls recites the Gestalt prayer.


Fritz Perls speaks to students about Gestalt therapy, the self and spirit.


From the 1970’s TV Show, Our Changing World, Earl Nightingale presents his take on the...

As voted for by you the readers, behold the genius of David Gilmour, Jimmy Page,...

by Scott Jeffrey: How to get to know and integrate your dark side…


John Lilly describes himself as a messenger. His mission is to present keys to unlock...

Rumours Atl.,Ga – “Gold Dust Woman”- Recorded Live at Daryl’s House Club 3.4.16…


BiBi’s cute reaction when she first see a piglet


by Scott Beale: Our whole crew got together to celebrate the start of what we...

In this video, Eckhart is asked the question “How can I decide who is to...

by Alex Connock and Andrew Stephen: Not a day passes without a fascinating snippet on...

Sadhguru answers a question on how important salary is in choosing a job, and looks...

Yogi Bhajan teaches the reasons why we meditate with a mantra and how meditation works...

by Amit Malewar: Mankind has pursued an effective and simple way to use direct solar...

An excerpt, from In Search of the Miraculous, depicting the work of P.D. Ouspensky’s.


An excerpt, from In Search of the Miraculous, depicting the work of P.D. Ouspensky’s.


Rupert Spira: A woman says she feels resistance to collapsing the duality between herself and...

by Amir Malewar: When we talk about what kind of wasted energy could be utilized...

by Tony Robbins: The world is opening up again after more than a year of...

Death Brings Context To Life | Dr. Mary Neal…


Cheryl Richardson discusses the four specific ways to ask for and receive help in this...

Guru Singh talks about how your hair is like an electric circuitry. You need vitamin...

Carlos Castaneda, Tales from the Jungle – Special BBC Carlos Castaneda (Portugues subtitled – 6...