A conversation with Rabbi Rami Shapiro during the making of a documentary about a quest...
Wilkie Au, PhD and Rabbi Rami Shapiro explore spiritual direction and making prayer relevant for...
Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews author Rabbi Rami Shapiro. Topics include: spirituality, Judaism.
...Rabbi Rami Shapiro: If we’re to believe the Book of Genesis, humans were created one...
by Oprah Winfrey: “You Become What You Believe”…
...Donna Quesada: Well, Ed and Deb Shapiro… Welcome! And it is just wonderful to see...
Surprise! The things we think we want (billions of dollars, a flawless body, a new...
by Guru Singh: “Yoga from Us to You” Kundalini Yoga to Make Your Day Brighter…
...Donna Quesada shares a very special meditation from the Kundalini tradition,
...In a wide ranging interview the Dalai Lama talks to the BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan about...
Rupert Spira explores the perennial, non-dual understanding that lies at the heart of all the...
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Oprah Winfrey: With the demands of modern times, it can be difficult to...
Louise L. Hay is a bestselling author, speaker and inspirational teacher whose healing techniques, affirmations...
by Gregg Prescott: Does coconut water have a magical effect as everyone claims?
...This pivotal event deeply impacted the young Barbara Marx Hubbard, who found herself asking President...
by Shifu Yan Lei: The world of Western traditional physical exercise is beginning to catch...
Rupehttps://awaken.com/2022/05/rupert-spira/rt Spira telling it like it is. This cat is a dog…
...Rupert Spria: A woman says that after all the years of coming to retreats she...
by Josh Richardson: More than 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique...
Rupert Spira: A man asks what is the appropriate action to take when witnessing people...