Articles for: Videos

The Legacy of Wisdom, a non-profit project dedicated to developing a vision of best practices...

Donna Quesada: Maezen, I want to thank you for being with us today. I’m just...

Donna Quesada: So it’s a kind of a spaciousness, a distance to where you’re able...

Donna Quesada: Well, Gangaji, the first thing I want to say is, thank you! Thank...

Almost Famous – Tiny Dancer Scene (Elton John)…


Joan Halifax Roshi gives her take on the Mind and Life XVIII Conference


A talk by Gangaji.


He could do ’em all! Check out some of Robin Williams’ best impressions….


David Welch: Before we begin, I just wanted to let the Awaken community know how...

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.: Psychologist, author and speaker on the connection between health, mind and...

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. reflects on the true meaning of harmony. “Harmony starts with being...

Jim Donovan M.Ed. is a professional musician, Assistant Professor at Saint Francis University and TEDx...

Author, Jungian analyst, and feminist Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. is interviewed about her book Urgent...

Author, Jungian analyst, and feminist Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. is interviewed about her book “Urgent...

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. advocating for a United Nations sponsored 5th World Conference on Women...

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.: Carl Jung’s concept of synchronicity, an acausal principle, connects the ego...

Esther Hicks: In this week’s video excerpt from the 1/28/12 workshop in Los Angeles, California,...

Gangaji investigates the most important question you will ever ask yourself. Who Am I….Really?


by Ralph Metzner, PhD: A Field Report of Underground Research on a Visionary Medicine Bufo...

Mooji: No sadhana, no spiritual practice for you. You have the easy way out; you...

by Ocean Robbins: The ancient Egyptians believed eating mushrooms brought long life…


by Oprah Winfrey: Author Marianne Williamson says a miracle is a shift in perception from...

Donna Quesada: Jon, in practical terms, what would be the first step, as you see...

Karen Armstrong, acclaimed author and religious scholar, speaks at St Paul’s Cathedral on the topic...