Articles for: Spirit Videos

This is a Gurdjieff-Legacy.Org – Trailer for The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Part...

A documentary that looks at Gurdjieff’s studies of religion and theories about life on earth.


The annual All & Everything International Humanities Conference (25-29 April, 2012) presented “Gurdjieff and Steve...

G. I. Gurdjieff, famous esoteric teacher in France around 1949. This is taken from a...

We are all asleep – lost in our imagination. Waking up requires that we come...

In this rare video, Virginia Satir demonstrates problem-solving in a family.


In 1985, Virginia Satir presented a keynote address to the National Association for NLP in...

“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.” – Virginia Satir.


by Stephen Levine: The Levine’s discuss ways to lessen the fear of death through meditation.


Donna Quesada: it also answers my previous question about how self-inquiry and meditation go hand...

Donna Quesada: He went through such jealousy and contempt from his brothers. And yet, remaining...

Donna Quesada: Hello and welcome to Awaken.


Rollo May’s classic, The Courage to Create, explores some big ideas on moving through our fears and...

The trailer to Arunachala Shiva expresses the important aspects of Ramana Maharshis life and teachings including...

A film, from 2003, depicting the peaceful atmosphere of the Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi.


The quotes are from Ramana Maharshi teachings taken from the book Day by Day with...

A small collection of video clips from the life of the late Sufi Master, Pir...

Pir Vilayat Khan speaks about the his father’s wisdom and what may seem unattainable.


Pir Vilayat gives blessings to followers and states his three wishes.


These photos were taken thirteen years back by the musician Miya Shamsuddin Faridi Desai and...

A presentation of the life and teachings of P.D. Ospensky from In Search of the...

Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers discuss how ancient myths help human beings to put ourselves...

There has been a lot of talk lately surrounding a possible movie which will tell...

by Ram Dass: Shot at his home in Maui in 2005 (8 years after a...