Articles for: Spirit Videos

Donna Quesada: What has been your greatest challenge, on your own path?


Donna Quesada shares a simple but powerful meditation to protect your inner peace when there...

Learn about the healing power of Richard Bandler and hypnotism.


by Richard Moss MD: This is the third of a series of four short videos...

Psychologist Stanley Krippner talks about the Spiritually Transformative Experience and about how ACISTE (American Center...

Rupert Spira: A woman who experiences a distinction between her ‘inside world’ and ‘outside world’...

The Legacy of Wisdom project asked consciousness pioneer Dr. Stanislav Grof about “finding our Mission”...

Dr. Stanislav Grof: discusses gender differences from a transpersonal perspective.


Stanislav Grof: proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored...

Stanislav Grof: speaks about the importance of healing in his How to Save the World...

by Richard Moss M.D: Richard talks about his newest book, Inside-Out Healing with Danielle Knox…


Donna Quesada: Mary, it’s wonderful to meet you. I want to thank you for spending...

Ananda Giri chants the Oneness mantra.


Jean Shinoda Bolen explains that in the second stage of life a woman’s blood is...

Janet Attwood is a visionary, a transformational leader, and a world humanitarian.


Donna Quesada: I’m not sure I completely understand what you mean by projection in this...

Dharma Dialogues with Catherine Ingram…


Rabbi Michael Lerner speaks about Rosh Hashanah and the meaning of our lives in partnership...

Wisdom University presents “Women Mystics and the Journey Toward Mystical Creativity” – taught by Jean...

This Sacred Earth, author, shaman and medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. talks about homo luminous...

Roshi Joan Halifax answers the question, what role can Altruism play in making our financial...

Roshi Joan Halifax: reflects on how we can use tools like the Bucket List to...

Karen Armstrong: We call Global Spirit the first “internal travel” series, because the topics and...

Donna Quesada shares a powerful pranayama or breathing technique from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga,...