Khandro Thrinlay Chodon talks about how to develop Compassion and Wisdom
...Sonia Choquette Ph.D., NY Best selling author shares with her tips on how to live...
Donna Quesada: And it seems like it’s willingness in seeing your part in shaping the...
Founder and director of The Mystery School, a program of mythology and culture, Jean Houston,...
Donna Quesada: I would just like to say, welcome to Byron Katie and express how...
Donna Quesada shares a variation of this powerful mantra meditation, called “Sat Kriya”
...Donna Quesada: That reminds me of a story I’m wondering if you can share. It’s...
Donna Quesada: That’s a beautiful story. Something I have notice in researching you and your...
Adyashanti outlines the essential principles that form a foundation of understanding of his teaching.
...Donna Quesada: Nice to meet you Bernie, I’m Donna. Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D.: Thank You.
...A description of Alfred Adler’s early life and his work in psychology including Inferiority Complex,...
Louise L. Hay speaks about the thoughts we have and the ways we can modify...
Oprah knows one thing for sure about egotism: You can’t begin to love yourself unless...
Dr. Lauren Jinshil Oliver interviews Jean Houston. 7/18/12
...Presentation by NASAP President Mel Markowski about Adler’s Law of the Low Doorway in Sept....
Judith Orloff M.D. discusses the section in her books about the power of positive intention...
Judith Orloff M.D. discusses the section in her book about people who are “splitters” and...
Judith Orloff M.D., tells everyone who’s ever been labeled as “overly sensitive” how to...
Judith Orloff M.D. teaches you the power of listening to your body’s intuitive signs.
...Scholar, Philosopher and Author, Dr. Jean Houston, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and...