by Claire Grieve: Yoga is so much more than solely a means of rest and...
Donna Quesada: So there’s this interplay between doing and letting. Doing and letting go.
...A seeker asks Sadhguru what a Siddhi is. Sadhguru discusses siddhis, the abilities one might...
Guru Singh talks about the science behind the technology of 40-day Sadhana, which means a...
by Donna Quesada: YOGA; Nadis, Chakras, Prana & Kundalini (Why Raise the Kundalini?) Lauren Williams: Namaste is a sanskrit word used as a respectful greeting…
...Sat nam Ad Purkh Kaur, Today I also noticed that it was the 17th day...
by Yogi Bhajan: Oh God of all Gods, Oh merciful God, Oh the one God,...
by Sadhguru: There is a lot of “yoga” happening in the world today that has...
by Kino MacGregor: I was a self-taught yogi. After I joined my first yoga class...
by Mireya Semeles; With the growing number of articles and studies published around the benefits...
by Swami Krishnananda: To the Officers of the Indian Administrative Services Academy in Mussoorie on...
by Sara Lindberg, M.Ed., B.S.: If you’re ready to test your physical and mental strength...
by Amanda Tarlton: While Iyengar might not be as common a name as vinyasa or...
by Judith Hanson Lasater: Try this variation of Savasana to give your mind, body, and...