Articles for: YOGA

by Nadi Zaidi: Our mannerisms, which range from the way we sit, place our hands,...

by Kristin McGee: If you are brand new to yoga, there are certain postures that...

by Susan Pryor: Kara-Leah Grant’s third book, Sex, Drugs and (mostly) Yoga: Field Notes from...

by Tarin Calmeyer: The most intriguing part of your yoga practice lies in the ever-changing...

by Kaitlin Vogel: Lucille Ball once said, “The secret of staying young is to live...

by Bernie Clark: Yoga teachers love to tell students how to breathe, but no two...

by Tara Lynda Guber and Anodea Judith: “Contact: The Yoga of Relationships” presents an inspiring...

GURU SINGH: It’s exactly like money. Ego is what ego does. Money is what money...

Donna Quesada: So there’s this interplay between doing and letting. Doing and letting go.


Donna Quesada: Sat Nam, Guru Singh! Guru Singh: Sat Nam! How are you?


Chakra Activation by Anodea Judith, Ph.D.:


by Silvia Mordini: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want...

The Realities of Reality 002 with Guru Singh…


by Himanshu Joshi: Imagine Yourself 10,000 Years Ago…


Three thousand years ago it was realized by Buddha that the mind was the real...

by Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma): Every action, if done with awareness, can become yoga, Amma says...

Cannon breath…


Donna Quesada shares a simple breath meditation to strengthen the neutral mind,


by Alan Finger: iHanuman humbly presents this week’s featured offering.


What is Bhakti Yoga?


Guru Singh talks about the realities of Reality.


A guided meditation & yoga session with Kim Eng.


by Gabrielle Kassel:Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 5,000 years, you’ve...

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa: Yoga Master and Former Flower Child Breathes in Healthy Living.
