Awaken Earth – Practicing Loving Stewardship of our Sacred Planet and its Creatures

by Peter Diamandis: Do I worry about the downside of AI, climate change, terrorism, political...

by James Endredy & Rev. Devi Grace: Life’s twin flames to transmute global conflict and...

by Peter Diamandis: Ready for some more data-driven optimism?


by Peter Diamandis: The world is getting better on many critical and measurable fronts.


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Marianne Williamson an uplifting and inspirational speaker and author of...

David Deida: What does it take to create a lasting sexual attraction between a man...

The price gap between electric vehicles and gas cars has narrowed significantly over the past...

by John Fialka: A facility off the coast of Oregon is being constructed to test...

Eckhart Tolle: Q: You talk about Presence and Being as the keys to enjoying form,...

by Dave Nichols: Right now, all-electric and plug-in hybrid cars rely on lithium-ion battery packs,


by Peter Diamandis: Humans are linear thinkers living in an exponential world.


by John Koetsier: Google director of engineering, futurist, inventor, and author Ray Kurzweil is not...